Tuesday, April 28, 2020

X : XY chromosome in danger #AtoZChallenge2020

Few scientific facts first, to understand the post better - 

The XY gender-determination system is the gender-determination system found in humans, most other mammals, some insects (Drosophila), some snakes, some fish (guppies), and some plants  -(Ginkgo) tree. In this system, the gender of an individual is determined by a pair of gender chromosomes. Females typically have two of the same kind of gender chromosomes (XX). Males typically have two different kinds of gender chromosomes (XY). (Source: Wikipedia)

Since Covid19 outbreak world wide, it has been found, that males (XY pair of chromosomes) are more susceptible to this disease. They have a higher mortality rate than women. And they tend to remain infectious for a longer period as compared to women. (Source: Several news reports)

From here on the post becomes non-scientific and I will be giving my mumbo-jumbo theories on "Why a typical male / XY chromosome is in danger due to this C virus". 

I will be using the SWOT template for explanation.

Strength: Men are brave and risk takers. 

Evidence: They can drive at 100 mph on the roads with maximum speed limit of 60 mph. They jump a lot. Especially into other people's fights. They are the ones breaking most lockdown rules with a swag. 

Impact: Corona Virus is smart and loves a symbiotic relationship with risk takers and brave people. It is good for the virus' evolution. 
Weakness: Men are idiots. Since Covid19 outbreak, many call them covidiots too!

Evidence: They tend to repeat their mistakes. Like getting involved into drunken brawls. Or falling in love. They are the ones who think wearing a mask is not cool. 

Impact: Corona Virus falls in love with idiots. It is clingy like men that way. Men are great carriers for its spread. It is good for the virus' gene pool increase.
Opportunity: Men are braggarts. 

Evidence: They tend to exaggerate their performance data. They normally overstate their performance in bed and video games both. They wash hands just for 10 seconds and report that they have done it for 20 seconds.

Impact: Corona Virus doesn't go by reported data. It just knows the real performance like girlfriends do. This opportunity created by braggarts is something good for the virus' virility. 
Threat: Men are lazy. 

Evidence: They can watch TV whole day long, without moving an inch. They sometimes don't even take a shower. They are used to staying at home for long periods without any form of socialization. 

Impact: Lazy Men are a big threat to Corona Virus. Corona Virus hates them. Brave men - idiots and braggarts, are of no use to the virus, if they don't step out of their homes.
Key Actions for Men:

  • Be Brave. Cook something apart from Maggi noodles. 
  • Be an Idiot. Ask silly questions during office Zoom calls.
  • Be a Braggart. Exaggerate about your exercise routine.
  • But Stay at Home. Stay Safe. Till lockdown is not over. 

Make the XY pair of chromosomes great again!



Ishwinder said...

Very beautifully explained. I really like the concept today!!!

Charan Deep Singh said...

I know ishwinder why you liked it. Haha