Tuesday, April 04, 2017

C : Chat rooms


Do you remember the time, when "ASL?" was the term you used umpteen times daily?


Chat rooms had opened a new world to a small town Indian. A guy who would be scared to even talk to the girl in her class, was now courting some Mary from Hot_Girls Chatroom or was sharing his love bytes with Angella_123 from US of A. An average Indian teenage guy in his own mind was really cool. He didn't need to think too much about those Ruchis and Nehas in his class. To hell with them!!!

Internet had arrived in late 90's in India and Cyber-cafes were mushrooming in every corner of the town. Our trips to video-game parlors were now being replaced by these clandestine dates with hottest girls all across the world, albeit virtually.

So every time the response to the 'S' in "ASL?" was a certain 'F', that was the cue to hit your charm button. And every time the response was 'M', you would just close that window and open a new one in hope for a better result. Right? No. Wrong.

And that is where this anecdote from my life that we friends laugh at even today is something I want to share in this post. 

Friend 1 had increased his cyber cafe visits a lot. Another friend (Friend 2) of mine had discovered that he is chatting up with this really hot girl called Priya from Chandigarh these days and they are soon going to meet. I found out that he was using a chat-room which was not verifying any credentials of the users and didn't even require a password. So one fine day Friend 2 and I went to the same cyber cafe at the same time as the Friend 1 used to go. We logged in with the user name Priya_coolchick. (Here, let us applaud, my Friend 2's snooping skills) before Friend 1 logged in as BigJatt_Ludhiana. What followed was hilarious. We chatted with him as Priya from Chandigarh and set up a coffee date in Chandigarh. He looked very happy, once his one hour session got over, and we were really amused too. 

But as it happens always, I had the guilt pangs, and before he could really go to Chandigarh, I spilled the beans. We were really mean to him. Right? But it was a lesson for all of us, to not trust everything on internet. Things could have gone really wrong had someone else played a prank on him.

Soon after Friend 1 had his first real girlfriend in college. All is well that ends well.

So do you have any chat rooms experience to share?


Jaylee Morgan said...

Hahaha, that's hilarious. I've never had any chat room experience though, so no stories to tell. XD

Blikachuka said...

I never knew ASL stood for that! I never used it, but my friend did and I thought it was just the name of the chat app :P

My A to Z: A Christmas Carol

Random Musings said...

Cruel but funny! At least you told him before he actually went to meet her :)

Charan Deep Singh said...

@Morgan Jaylee. You played safe. Thanks for dropping by

Charan Deep Singh said...

@Blikachuka - haha. Your response is hilarious

Charan Deep Singh said...

@Debbie - you never know whether there was an actual girl ever.

My Shasta Home said...

Oh gosh, I remember those AOL chat rooms in the 90's.

Charan Deep Singh said...

@Debby - well in India ICQ was very popular. Though this incident happened on some local site.

Unknown said...


Charan Deep Singh said...

@Neha - :-)